July 4, 2024

T Sport Bernau achieves two-star FIA Environmental Accreditation

T Sport Bernau is the first Goodyear FIA ETRC team to be awarded the two-star level of the FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme for their efforts to reduce environmental impact.

The team has made significant strides in their sustainability efforts since earning their One-Star accreditation in 2022, by demonstrating solid environmental performance, now achieving a FIA Two-Star accreditation. Their Sustainability Policy and comprehensive procedures, reports and routines highlight their strong commitment to best practices in sustainability and environmental management.

T Sport Bernau collaborates closely with the team members, partners, suppliers and the championship promotor to make the team more sustainable.

Noted within the accreditation is the team’s environmental policy, which expresses their overall commitment to:

- monitor and reduce its CO2 footprint with particular focus on transportation / logistics, travel and of course, the running of the race truck

- choose renewable energy and lower our usage

- source local and environmentally friendly products and materials

- communicate, educate and motivate team members, partners and suppliers

- reduce, reuse and recycle waste and more

The team achieves this by using only essential vehicles, upgrading from Euro 3 to Euro 6 tractor units, smart route planning, joint travel with other teams, using 100% HVO fuel for their race truck, 100% green electricity at their workshop, a rainwater collection system for washing cars, integrating new technologies like Varta AGM Batteries in their race trailer, recycling waste at the workshop and circuits, using environmentally friendly products, supporting local nature reserves, and much more.

The recognition by the FIA is another important step for the team, as they continue to work closely with the FIA and ETRA to improve their activities with regard to sustainability, and to make a difference to the environmental impact of the sport.

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