August 31, 2024


Two now double winners in 2024 took victory in Race Two at Most with seamless drives from lights to flag.

Antonio Albacete made the race look easy as he dropped second-placed John Newell off the line. By the end of the first lap the rest of the grid were dots in his rearview, and although Jochen Hahn would do everything he could to move through the grid from seventh to chase down the Spainard, it wasn’t enough to deny Albacete his second win of the year.

In Norbert Kiss style, Hahn moved up the field from his reverse grid position with ease, at one point looking like he would reel Albacete in before the chequered flag. The pace of the Team Hahn Racing truck was superior to the T Sport Bernau, but Albacete had given himself enough of an advantage to negate the deficit.

Steffi Halm and Sascha Lenz did all they could to keep Kiss off the podium for the second time today, but his late braking into Turn 1 got both of them in successive laps. Lenz and Halm had tried to hold the outside line into Turn 1, having the switchback to the inside line for Turn 2, but Kiss’ braking did enough to stop that defensive play from acting out.

The successive overtakes saw him finish third ahead of Halm and Lenz who completed the top five. André Kursim finished off the Titan classifiers in sixth to make it an all Titan top six.

Newell had been looking to capitalise on starting on the front row to try and take his first Chrome victory of the season, but a move up the inside of Turn 2 on the opening lap from José Eduardo Rodrigues saw his race ending at that corner instead.

The Portuguese driver tried to pull off the move from third, taking advantage of a better start than Newell. Instead the pair came together, Newell being pitched off the circuit and beached in the gravel trap.

This dropped Rodrigues down the order as well, opening up the opportunity for Mark Taylor, also having a great start, to take the lead of the Chrome class for the second time today. Championship rival Steffen Faas tried to put pressure on the Brit to make up some lost points from Race One but Taylor had the groove of the Most circuit once again to take another class victory.

Despite the early race incident, Rodrigues crossed the line third in class, ninth overall.

The incident between Newell and Rodrigues is being investigated after the race.

Clemens Hecker finished tenth overall, leading Luis Recuenco and Bradley Smith across the line for the 12 classified trucks, only Newell failing to finish the race.

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